Product Catalog

Thermal pipe

SKU: 100014 Category:

Thermal pipe system in different lengths and diameters for casting piles using the bentonite/dry method

Also, for casting elements (Salari)

The use of a thermal pipe is done in order to continue the continuity of the concrete and maintain its quality during the casting and in addition to prevent saccharification. That is, in cases where there is a risk of collapse, the drilling is done while filling the pit with the bentonite mixture that maintains the pressure in the pit and prevents it from collapsing. The main function of the thermal system, then, is to fill the borehole with concrete and, accordingly, cause the bentonite mixture to be removed from the borehole without mixing the two and maintaining the quality of the concrete.

The thermal pipes are made of high-quality steel to ensure highly durable elements.

The pipe parts can be connected in two types of coupling systems: the screw system and the pipe assembly system by cable. In the screwing system, the thermal pipes are connected by the screwing method by connecting a male to a female. Another method is the system of assembling pipes by cable, which is characterized by rapid disassembly of the various parts of the pipe during the concrete operations. Using this method even prevents the ingress of water and mud by ring seals that are between the male and female connection.

Description: A watertight tube, usually with an internal diameter of about 5″-10″. The pipe consists of short sections that are usually connected by a threaded cable with an O-ring seal. In this way, the length of the pipe can be adjusted during pouring without having the top of the pipe under water or the bottom end above the surface where the concrete is poured.


Male and female connections are made using a conical method, and thus disassembly and assembly of the pipe is done in an efficient and simple way.
Dimensions for this type of pipe: 5″-10″


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