Product Catalog

CFA drill

SKU: 100004 Category:

Drilling with the CFA method is mainly used in places where the ground is unstable, such as muddy ground, gravel and more. The method of drilling is done by inserting the drill into the ground to the desired depth, injecting CFA concrete through the system, whose purpose is to stabilize in the hole and serve as a support column. To finish, take the drill out of the hole and insert a metal cage into the concrete mixture as it completely sets. Thus, in fact, a stable and high-quality pile was created which will serve as a foundation for the structure.


Single cutting and double cutting are suitable for drilling in loose to medium sand and gravel
Single cutting and double cutting with the side cutters are suitable for drilling in hard clay, sea sand and medium to high dense gravel.
You can find all types of spirals and CFA adapters with us


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